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# Operations Changed Sort ascending User Informative Title/Headline (English only) Language(s) of Evidence of Impact Description of Impact(s) (English Only) Type(s) of Impact(s) Generated (English Only) Other impact Source Other source Link to Information – where available Link to Information – where available: Link Title Link to Information – where available: Link URL Other deliverable/element Start date of 'Implementation' End date of 'Implementation' Economic value of impact (currency) Economic value of impact (amount) Scale of impact Region of Impact Country/Countries of Impact State/Province Supporting Document(s) Is this a private sector impact? Salutation First name Last name Institution Position/Title IPBES Role (If Any) Other role Your contact email Phone Number
325 Fri, 19/08/2022 rspaull UBC Study Expands on IPBES Global Assessment Examining how Indigenous -Managed Lands Help Species Survive English (396) A study from the University of British Columbia (UBC) expanded on the findings of the IPBES Global Assessment Report, examining how Indigenous-managed lands “play a critical role in helping species survive” using land and species data from 3 countries. New/changed research project Website,co%2Dmanaged%20by%20Indigenous%20communities.,co%2Dmanaged%20by%20Indigenous%20communities. 2019-07-31 Global Cross-regional 澳大利亚, 巴西, 加拿大 private Rob Spaull IPBES Head of Comms Secretariat: Bonn
238 Fri, 19/08/2022 Anonymous National Council of Austria Declares Climate Emergency and Asks Government to Consider IPBES Reports as Factual Basis of Future Environmental Policies German (435) In response to the dangerous decline of nature, the National Council of Austria declared a Climate Emergency to send a strong political signal to develop better climate and environmental policy for the benefit of the country. As part of this resolution, the National Council also called on the Austrian government to consider IPBES reports as the factual basis for future climate and environmental policies.
New/changed law/regulation Website PDF of parliamentary document PDF of parliamentary document 2019-07-02 National Europe and Central Asia 奥地利 public Michelle Hahn-Baker IPBES Consultant Secretariat: Bonn
414 Fri, 19/08/2022 rspaull World Business Council for Sustainable Development Publishes Brief for Business on the IPBES Global Assessment Report English (396) The World Business Council for Sustainable Development has published brief for business on the IPBES Global Assessment Report, which highlights the main points from the report relevant to business and puts it in the context of other landmark reports, such as the World Economic Forum’s New Nature Economy report series and the upcoming Dasgupta Economics of Biodiversity review. New article Website 2019 IPBES Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services report - Business Summary 2019 IPBES Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services report - Business Summary 2019-08-15 Multi-organizational/network Cross-regional public Robert Spaull IPBES Head of Comms Secretariat: Bonn
251 Fri, 19/08/2022 Anonymous Research Article Explores Application of Imagination in IPBES Scenario Processes English (396) A research article explores the application of imagination in scenario development that stimulates “a reflective process that can contribute to more informed decision-making”. The article both examines the role application of imagination in existing IPBES assessments and offers suggestions for how it can be better applied in future ones.
New article Website Article in Elementa Science Article in Elementa Science 2019-08-18 Multi-organizational/network private Michelle Hahn-Baker IPBES Consultant Secretariat: Bonn
412 Fri, 19/08/2022 rspaull World Biological Corridor Initiative Refers to IPBES Research in Presenting its Manifesto and Petititon Spanish (399) The World Biological Corridor initiative cites IPBES research about human responsibility for degradation of land, sea and organisms, in its manifesto/petition to build "a meeting space, synergies, alliances, ideas and projects in different parts of the planet that can develop significant advances in the expansion of the world biological corridor" New/changed action/initiative Website Manifesto For a Global Biological Corridor Manifesto For a Global Biological Corridor 2019-09-02 Multi-organizational/network Cross-regional 西班牙 public Robert Spaull IPBES Head of Comms Secretariat: Bonn
235 Fri, 19/08/2022 Anonymous Article in Nature Cites Global Assessment Findings, Arguing That Scientists Should Join Civil Disobedience English (396) An article in the publication “Nature, Ecology and Evolution” draws on the findings of the IPBES Global Assessment as evidence of nature’s dangerous decline. In the article, titled “Scientists must act on our own warnings to humanity,” Charlie J. Gardner and Claire F. R. Wordley highlight the Global Assessment finding that one million species are at risk of extinction due to human activity. The authors argue that scientists should “should join civil disobedience movements to fight these unprecedented crises” of climate change and biodiversity loss.
New article Website Article in Nature, Ecology and Evolution Article in Nature, Ecology and Evolution 2019-09-02 Global private Michelle Hahn-Baker IPBES Consultant Secretariat: Bonn
234 Fri, 19/08/2022 Anonymous Global Assessment Noted in the UNCCD New Delhi Declaration English (396) During the high-level segment at the fourteenth session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), the gathered Ministers and Representatives developed the New Delhi Declaration. This Declaration takes notes of the IPBES Global Assessment, which recognizes the role of the land-use sector. The Declaration renews the Parties’ commitment to concerted international cooperation for the effective implementation of the Convention.
New/changed commitment Website UNCCD Website UNCCD Website 2019-09-10 Global Cross-regional public Michelle Hahn-Baker IPBES Consultant Secretariat: Bonn
231 Fri, 19/08/2022 Anonymous Vietnam Environment Administration Cites Global Assessment While Announcing Project with World Bank English (396) The Vietnam Environment Administration cites the IPBES Global Assessment in an article announcing the launch of a project designed with the World Bank. In response to the Global Assessment finding that one million species are at risk of extinction, the project focuses on conserving endangered species in Vietnam. The Vietnam Environment Administration explains that “the project will be carried out by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment from 2019 to 2022 to protect endangered species by reducing threats posed by illegal exploitation, trade and consumption through multilateral cooperation.”
New/changed action/initiative Website Article by Vietnam Environment Administration Article by Vietnam Environment Administration 2019-09-10 National Asia-Pacific 越南 public Michelle Hahn-Baker IPBES Consultant Secretariat: Bonn
233 Fri, 19/08/2022 Anonymous Global Assessment Serves as Primary Background for Scottish Parliamentary Briefing on Mainstreaming Nature English (396) IPBES Global Assessment serves as the primary background for a Scottish Parliamentary briefing on nature and biodiversity in Scotland. The report, titled “Mainstreaming nature - international approaches to biodiversity conservation,” supports consideration of biodiversity mainstreaming in Scotland, by setting out a diverse range of examples of international approaches to biodiversity conservation.” The briefing draws extensively from the Global Assessment and cites its key findings.
New/changed research project Website Link to online report Link to online report 2019-09-12 Europe and Central Asia 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 Scotland public Michelle Hahn-Baker IPBES Consultant Secretariat: Bonn
254 Fri, 19/08/2022 Anonymous Inspired by IPBES Global Assessment, Report Looks at How the Creative Sector Can Respond to the Biodiversity Crisis English (396) A report produced by Julie’s Bicycle and written by Chiara Badiali examines ways in which the creative sector can respond to the biodiversity crisis and was inspired by the IPBES Global Assessment. The report focuses on green infrastructure, single-use plastics, and the move away from unsustainable sources such as palm oil, with a view toward challenges in the UK and globally that relate to the arts and culture sector.
New/changed research project Website Link to article Link to article 2019-09-14 Multi-organizational/network Europe and Central Asia 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 private Michelle Hahn-Baker IPBES Consultant Secretariat: Bonn
236 Fri, 19/08/2022 Anonymous Guardian Kicks off Year-Long Age of Extinction Initiative With Article Drawing on IPBES Global Assessment English (396) In September 2019, The Guardian newspaper announced a new year-long series called “The Age of Extinction,” which focuses on biodiversity and “draws attention to the catastrophic loss of species across the planet and looks at ways to tackle the crisis.” One of the first stories published as part of the series is an opinion piece by Guardian’s former environment editor John Vidal, who highlighted the finding of the IPBES Global Assessment that one million species are now at risk of extinction due to human activity.
New/changed action/initiative Website Guardian Press Release Guardian Press Release 2019-09-18 Global private Michelle Hahn-Baker IPBES Consultant Secretariat: Bonn
267 Fri, 19/08/2022 Anonymous In Light of Biodiversity Crisis Highlighted by Evidence, Scientists Call on US Congress to Fully Fund Wildlife Conservation Programs English (396) A group of scientists have published a letter in “Science Mag” calling on the US Congress to fully fund “wildlife conservation programs to protect biodiversity from severe and growing threats”. The scientists draw on the findings of the IPBES Global Assessment and explain that “in light of the unprecedented global biodiversity crisis highlighted by the IPBES, we urge the United States to join governments around the world in immediate action.”
New/changed action/initiative Website Letter in Science Mag Letter in Science Mag 2019-09-20 Multi-organizational/network Americas 美利坚合众国 private Michelle Hahn-Baker IPBES Consultant Secretariat: Bonn
243 Fri, 19/08/2022 Anonymous New Study on Monitoring Global Forests Draws on IPBES Global Assessment English (396) Researchers from the Universitat de Leida in Spain have created a network of plots, ranging from Moncayo to Northern Sweden, where they automatically measure the growth of mixed forests. They are studying possible changes in the distribution of forest species. In an article outlining their work, the researchers highlight the finding from the IPBES Global Assessment that one million species are at risk of extinction due to human activity, which shows the importance of protecting biodiversity.
New/changed research project Website Article in The Conversation Article in The Conversation 2019-09-24 Multi-organizational/network Europe and Central Asia private Michelle Hahn-Baker IPBES Consultant Secretariat: Bonn
237 Fri, 19/08/2022 Anonymous Environmental Researchers Draw on IPBES Conceptual Framework in Recommendation on How Brazilian Academy Can Better Incorporate ILK English (396) Two environmental researchers, Fronika Claziena Agatha de Wit and Paula Martins de Freitas, drew on the Conceptual Framework of IPBES while making recommendations on how the Brazilian Academy can better incorporate and value the knowledge of Indigenous Peoples and local communities in the Amazon to contribute to the active role of these peoples in governance. The researchers suggested that the Brazilian Academy could draw on the example of IPBES “to bring together governments, non-governmental organizations, universities scientific organizations and traditional communities to assess critically the relevant information about the biodiversity and the ecosystemic services [and as] a consequence…[value] all knowledge systems.”
New/changed idea Website Interview with researchers Interview with researchers 2019-09-25 National Americas 巴西 private Michelle Hahn-Baker IPBES Consultant Secretariat: Bonn
241 Fri, 19/08/2022 Anonymous City Council of Colmenar Viejo Highlights Global Assessment in Declaration of Climate Emergency Spanish (399) The City Council of Colmenar Viejo in Spain declared a Climate Emergency during its September plenary session. In its declaration, the Council highlights the findings of the IPBES Global Assessment, including that one million species are at risk of extinction due to human activity. The declaration establishes "a priority the progressive decarbonisation of municipal activity, planning actions and investing in technology to achieve zero emissions and supply 100% renewable energy.”
New/changed law/regulation Website News article News article 2019-09-27 City/Community Europe and Central Asia 西班牙 Madrid public Michelle Hahn-Baker IPBES Consultant Secretariat: Bonn
239 Fri, 19/08/2022 Anonymous Union Groups in Badajoz, Spain Draw on Global Assessment While Encouraging Citizes to Join Climate Strikes Spanish (399) In Badajoz, Spain, the CCOO and UGT unions called on citizens of Extremadura to join in various mobilizations that seek to raise awareness and mobilize action in response to human-induced climate change and biodiversity loss. The groups highlight the IPBES Global Assessment finding that one million species are at risk of extinction due to human activity.
New/changed action/initiative Website News article News article 2019-09-27 Organizational Europe and Central Asia 西班牙 public Michelle Hahn-Baker IPBES Consultant Secretariat: Bonn
242 Fri, 19/08/2022 Anonymous Extinction Rebellion Cites IPBES Global Assessment in Event Description of Funeral March Protest English (396) To raise awareness about and protest climate change and biodiversity loss, an Extinction Rebellion group in Cambridge held a funeral march through Cambridge city centre, explaining that they are “grieving for all life on earth, from those that have died to those lives that will be lost in the future as the climate and ecological crisis accelerates.” As part of the event description, the group included the IPBES Global Assessment finding that one million species are at risk of extinction due to human activity.
New/changed action/initiative Website News article News article 2019-09-28 Organizational Europe and Central Asia 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 Cambridgeshire private Michelle Hahn-Baker IPBES Consultant Secretariat: Bonn
240 Fri, 19/08/2022 Anonymous Drawing on IPBES Global Assessment, Municipal Government of Nigrán Spain Moves to Declare a Climate Emergency Spanish (399) The municipal government of Nigrán in Spain moved to present a proposal in its plenary session to recognize a state of climate emergency and take corresponding measures within the mandate of the City Council. The City Council highlighted the findings of the IPBES Global Assessment, including that one million species are at risk of extinction due to human activity.
New/changed law/regulation Website News article News article 2019-09-30 City/Community Europe and Central Asia 西班牙 Pontevedra, Galicia public Michelle Hahn-Baker IPBES Consultant Secretariat: Bonn
246 Fri, 19/08/2022 Anonymous Groups Form Coalition to Protect Public Lands in United States, Cite IPBES Global Assessment English (396) In the United States, more than a dozen groups have formed a coalition to pressure companies that conduct or fund extraction to stay out of previously protected areas. In explaining the reasoning for forming this coalition, Alex Taurel, the Conservation Program Director of the League of Conservation Voters, cited the finding from the IPBES Global Assessment that one million species are at risk of extinction due to human activity.
New/changed action/initiative Website Link to coalition web announcement Link to coalition web announcement 2019-10-02 Multi-organizational/network Americas 美利坚合众国 private Michelle Hahn-Baker IPBES Consultant Secretariat: Bonn
247 Fri, 19/08/2022 Anonymous Inspired by Global Assessment, Nordic Paint Company Launches Collection to Protect Endangered Species English (396) Inspired by the finding of the IPBES Global Assessment that one million species are at risk of extinction due to human activity, a Nordic paint company called Tikkurila has launched a special collection called “Endangered Colors.” The Endangered Colors collection “consists of nine different colors, each representing an endangered animal species….Tikkurila donates one euro per sold product to the protection of endangered animals.”
New/changed action/initiative Website Press release Press release 2019-10-03 Organizational Europe and Central Asia 挪威 private Michelle Hahn-Baker IPBES Consultant Secretariat: Bonn