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Potential obstacles to transformative change

Posted by RobJ.J.Hendriks on
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Last seen 31/05/2024
Joined 18/01/2016


In relation to the question on how to achieve transformative change, the initial scoping in document IPBES/7/6 lists a number of potential obstacles, including: unequal power relations, lack of transparency, vested interests, unequal distribution of the costs and benefits of actions, tendencies for short-term decision-making, the psychology of losses and gains, the logic of market-driven processes, the lack of policy coherence and inertia.


Questions for the assessment:

- The assessment could collect the evidence base regarding the mechanics of these obstacles to transformative change;

- The assessment could indicate their relative importance as an obstacle;

- The assessment could provide the evidence as to the portential ways to overcome these obstacles.

- The assessment perhaps could pay particular attention to the aspect of psychology of losses and gains. Since this aspect applies to all people, the question could be if insights in such psychology of losses and gains could help to provide a better understanding of (some of) the other obstacles?