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Additional call for suggestions for thematic or methodological issues that would benefit from collaboration between IPCC and IPBES

  • Secretariat
Notification period
Download EM/2023/52

Dear IPBES members,

As you will recall, the Plenary, at IPBES 8 and IPBES 9, had requested the Executive Secretary to invite suggestions for thematic or methodological issues related to biodiversity and climate change that would benefit from collaboration between the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and IPBES. In decisions IPBES-8/1 and IPBES-9/1, the Plenary took note of the compilations of suggestions received in response to the respective calls. 

In line with decision IPBES-10/1, I would like to invite you to submit additional suggestions for thematic or methodological issues related to biodiversity and climate change, which would benefit from collaboration between IPCC and IPBES. Please submit your suggestions to the secretariat by 15 February 2024, using the form available here

The Executive Secretary will prepare a compilation of those suggestions and previously received suggestions contained in documents IPBES/9/INF/26 and IPBES/10/INF/20, as well as the options outlined in section II of document IPBES/8/6. The compilation will be made available for peer review. Based on the submissions, a proposal will be prepared and made available for consideration and further action by the Plenary at IPBES 11.

I would also like to recall, concerning the engagement with IPCC, that the Plenary, in its decision IPBES-10/1, also:

  • Invited IPBES national focal points to continue to engage with their IPCC counterparts to jointly consider potential means of increasing scientific cooperation and information sharing and improving understanding of relevant processes, procedures and workplans;

(Note: This may include an exchange of views, or collaboration, if applicable and as appropriate, in the external reviews of relevant draft scoping reports, assessments and summaries for policymakers, in full compliance with their respective mandates and rules of procedure that guide IPBES and IPCC.)

  • Recalled its encouragement to the members of IPBES, relevant stakeholders, scientific bodies and research organizations to undertake knowledge development and research regarding the interlinkages between biodiversity and climate change, including the impacts of climate change;
  • Invited the Bureau and the Executive Secretary of IPBES to continue to explore with the IPCC, early in its seventh assessment cycle concrete approaches for cooperation and potential joint activities between the IPCC and the IPBES, including as part of the seventh cycle of IPCC, reaffirming the need for transparency of any activity, in conformity with the decisions of the IPCC and of IPBES and their respective policies and procedures; 
  • Requested the Executive Secretary to represent IPBES at the sixtieth session of IPCC and to present the outcomes of the tenth session of the Plenary, in particular on the engagement of IPBES with IPCC, at that session in the context of discussions on the workplan for the seventh assessment cycle of the Panel.

I thank you for your continued support to IPBES.

Yours sincerely, Dr. Anne Larigauderie | Executive Secretary