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Registration of contributions to the work on capacity-building under IPBES: Submission #42

Submission Number: 42
Submission ID: 59710
Submission UUID: 80bfa138-6f45-477f-8d14-28330655e6b1

Created: Tue, 31/05/2022
Completed: Tue, 31/05/2022
Changed: Thu, 30/06/2022

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
Name of organization
Name of organization: Biodiversa+

Contact information
Name of contact person: Frederic Lemaitre
Email address: [email protected]
Secondary email address: [email protected]
International telephone number: 0180058937
195 rue Saint Jacques
Paris. 75005

Country: International
Twitter: @BiodiversaPlus
Instagram: {Empty}

Title of contribution:  BiodivERsA Webinar on the IPBES Thematic assessment of the interlinkages among biodiversity, water, food and health
Type of contribution: Activity or event (e.g., meeting, workshop, webinar, conference, article, website)
Contributing to other elements of the IPBES work programme : IPBES assessments
IPBES assessments: Engagement with ongoing assessments
Brief description of contribution:
To help experts understand and navigate the IPBES nomination process, BiodivERsA organised on the 30th of August 2021 an online Webinar on how to get involved, with a focus on the IPBES Nexus assessment.

This webinar was an opportunity to learn more about: 
-    IPBES in general, and how BiodivERsA collaborates with the Platform 
-    The Scoping of the Nexus assessment, presented by Andrea Belgrano, IPBES Scoping expert  
-    How to get involved as an author or fellow

Other organizations involved in the contribution:
Biodiversa+ national members, in particular PT-DLR (DE) and BelSPO (BE)

Link to online contribution that could be shared with the IPBES community:

Timeline of contribution
Start year: Fri, 01/01/2021 - 00:00
End year: Fri, 01/01/2021 - 00:00

Estimated monetary value of contribution in USD:

Geographic scope
Region: Global, Western European and other States
European Union (12671)

Which objective(s) and sub-objective(s) does the contribution support: Objective 2(b): Facilitated access to expertise and  information
Objective 2(b): Facilitated access to expertise and information: Support to the uptake of approved assessments and other deliverables, and encouragement of the development of communities of practice around them