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In Light of IPBES Global Assessment, 30 Johannesburg Stock Exchange-Listed Companies Launch Assessments Valuing South African Biodiversity for Business

Thirty leading South African businesses have teamed up with WWF South Africa and the Wildlife Trust (EWT), which are jointly leading the project. They have taken note of the urgency of the Global Assessment and decided to undertake biodiversity valuation assessments to determine how to cost-effectively mainstream biodiversity into their strategies and practices. Given the key key findings of the IPBES report, "there was, “more than ever”, a need for businesses to step up their biodiversity game."

A key output for the project will be an online toolkit which includes a free biodiversity performance self-assessment questionnaire, business case studies and biodiversity mainstreaming guidelines organised in nine steps.The project is expected to publish their conclusions in Q3/Q4 2021.
Global assessment (1st work programme), Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme)
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