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Holistic valuation systems

Approach to value Worldviews Types of values Scale Conflict Skills & effort
Relational and cosmocentric approaches to values  Mostly holistic and indigenous worldviews Intrinsic


No specifications No specifications More accurately applied when rights of indigenous peoples and local communities and the rights of Mother Earth have been included in the legislation or public policy

Holistic valuation systems of life of Mother Earth aim to value the relationships and dynamics established among peoples and nature regarding the regeneration or reproduction of the systems of life of Mother Earth for Living-well.

Holistic valuation follows a rights-based approach; taking into account that Living-well in balance and harmony with Mother Earth (relational and cosmocentric values) is based on the complementarity of the rights of Mother Earth (intrinsic values) and the rights of peoples to their holistic development and eradication of poverty (instrumental values).

This method will be more accurately applied when rights of indigenous peoples and local communities and principles or rights of Mother Earth have been included in the national legislation or public policy. In this regard, the holistic valuation of systems of life can be developed at different levels (national, subnational, and local) assessing to what extent there is in a given jurisdiction a positive relationship and interactions between the conservation of environmental functions, development of sustainable production systems, and peoples access to basic needs and services for poverty eradication, inherently entwined as systems of life in Mother Earth.