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traditional knowledge

Acronym: TK

Definition Source References

See Indigenous and local knowledge.

Land degradation and restoration assessment

The concept of Traditional Knowledge (TK) in CBD has two characteristics. Firstly, CBD defines TK as one kind of knowledge, innovations and practices which is helpful to conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. Secondly, CBD limits the TK to link with Indigenous and Local Communities (ILCs) embodying traditional lifestyles, i.e. these TK were created and preserved by ILCs and they are accumulated, developed and inherited generation by generation.

Asia-Pacific assessment

The concept of Traditional Knowledge (TK) in the Convention for Biological Diversity (CBD) has two characteristics. Firstly, CBD defines TK as one kind of knowledge, innovations and practices which is helpful to conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. Secondly, CBD limits the TK to link with indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs) embodying traditional lifestyles, i.e. these TK were created and preserved by IPLCs and they are accumulated, developed and inherited generation by generation.

Sustainable use assessment IPBES, 2018