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Development of the next work programme for IPBES

In decision IPBES-6/2, the Plenary of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services requested the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel and the Bureau, supported by the secretariat, to finalise a draft strategic framework up to 2030 and elements of the work programme of the Platform for consideration and approval by the Plenary at its seventh session, according to a series of steps outlined in that same decision.

Through notification EM/2018/07 of 26 April 2018, the Executive Secretary invited all Governments and stakeholders to provide written comments regarding the strategic framework up to 2030 of the next IPBES work programme, in particular, on how to further strengthen and integrate the functions of the Platform and the institutional arrangements established to implement these functions. In response to the call for input, the IPBES secretariat received input from 17 Governments, the European Commission, 7 organizations, a group of early-career IPBES fellows, and 3 individuals.

From 4 to 6 June 2018 a workshop for national focal points was organized in Bonn, Germany (for notification EM/2018/05 see here), with the objectives: 1) to facilitate greater engagement of governments in the review of the global assessment for biodiversity and ecosystem services; 2) to allow for further discussion on the use of the concept of “nature’s contributions to people” within the global assessment; and 3) to hold consultations regarding the strategic framework of a rolling work programme of the Platform. The comments received in response to the call of 26 April 2018 were provided as an input to the discussions at the workshop.

The Multidisciplinary Expert Panel and the Bureau discussed the comments received and the views expressed during the workshop at their 11th meetings held in June 2018 and provided guidance on the further revision of the draft strategic framework.

On 11 July 2018, the Executive Secretary issued a formal call for requests, inputs and suggestions, on short-time priorities and longer-term strategic needs (EM/2018/14). The requests, inputs and suggestions received in response to this call are available here.

At their 12th meetings in October 2018, the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel and the Bureau commenced the prioritization of the requests, inputs and suggestions received, in line with decision IPBES-6/2 and the procedure for receiving and prioritizing requests put to the Platform as set out in decision IPBES-1/3. The final report on the prioritization of requests, inputs and suggestions put to the Platform will be presented to the Plenary at its seventh session. The Multidisciplinary Expert Panel and the Bureau also considered a further revised version of the strategic framework at their 12th meetings and provided guidance on bringing the draft strategic framework and the draft elements of the work programme arising from the prioritization of requests, inputs and suggestions together as a draft work programme for IPBES up to 2030.

A first draft of the work programme for IPBES up to 2030 was made available for comments on 28 November 2018 (for notification EM/2018/26 see here).

A final draft of the work programme for IPBES up to 2030 is currently being prepared by the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel and the Bureau and will be made available for consideration by the Plenary at its seventh session here.