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elimination/extirpation of an invasive alien species from a defined geographic area even in the absence of all preventive measures obviating the necessity for further control measures (Dowdle, 1998). The time period after which an invasive alien species can be considered eradicated depends on the species and location.


“online ordering, sale, communication and payment, in particular, business to consumer and consumer to consumer transactions but can also be applicable to business-to-business transactions”

dna barcoding

a commonly used molecular method (e.g., for detection of species, revealing species interactions and assessment of diversity of community assemblages) that involves the amplification of a short section of DNA from a specific gene or genes. Recent advances have extended the application of this approach from the identification of individual specimens to identification of multiple specimens within mixed samples through DNA metabarcoding

cost-benefit analysis_ias

an analytical tool for judging the economic advantages or disadvantages of an investment decision by assessing its costs and benefits in order to assess the welfare change attributable to it. The analytical framework of CBA refers to a list of underlying concepts which is as follows: opportunity cost, long-term perspective, calculation of economic performance indicators expressed in monetary terms, microeconomic approach, incremental approach


direct action(s) taken to reduce or suppress the distribution, abundance, spread and impacts of invasive alien species within a defined geographic area (FAO, 1995) (see management).


the application of measures in and around an infested area to prevent spread of invasive alien species. Containment may also apply in the context of keeping an invasive alien species out of a defined geographic region within a broader infestation (in pest management this is also termed area-wide management) (FAO, 2019). Any action taken to delimit the distribution of an invasive alien species through whatever means possible.