Policy instrument
Rights of Nature (RoN)
Rights of Nature (RoN) is a legal instrument that enables nature, wholly or partly, i.e. ecosystems or species, to have inherent rights and legally should have the same protection as people and corporations; that ecosystems and species have legal rights to exist, thrive and regenerate. It enables the defense of the environment in court – not only for the benefit of people, but for the sake of nature itself.
RoN aims to protect the environment for all creatures. It inherently follows the ecocentric paradigm, where most, if not all, current environmental protection measures, are anthropocentric. RoN addresses the complex environment and development problems at the systemic level thereby ensuring true environmental protection via proactive action and effective restoration projects.
Earth Law Center and collaborators are currently developing projects towards demonstrating the effectiveness of RoN in achieving global sustainability agenda, including but not limited to Sustainable Development Goals and Aichi Biodiversity Targets.