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Policy support tool

Key Biodiversity Areas

The World Database of Key Biodiversity AreasTM is managed by BirdLife International on behalf of the KBA Partnership. It hosts data on global and regional Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs), including Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas identified by the BirdLife International Partnership, Alliance for Zero Extinction sites, KBAs identified through hotspot ecosystem profiles supported by the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, and a small number of other KBAs. The database was developed from the World Bird and Biodiversity Database (WBDB) managed by BirdLife International.

Aim of the resource

Data on KBAs are expected to have multiple uses. KBAs can:

  • support the strategic expansion of protected area networks by governments and civil society working toward achievement of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets (in particular Target 11 and 12), as established by the Convention on Biological Diversity
  • serve to inform the description or identification of sites under international conventions (such as Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas described under the Convention on Biological Diversity, wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention, natural World Heritage Sites under the World Heritage Convention and sites for migratory species relevant for the Convention on Migratory Species and its daughter Agreements). One particular subset of KBAs — Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs) — has been extensively used in the European Union Member States as candidate sites for the designation of Special Protection Areas under the Birds Directive.
  • Inform private sector safeguard policies, environmental standards, and certification schemes; support conservation planning and priority-setting at national and regional levels; and provide local and indigenous communities with opportunities for employment, recognition, economic investment, societal mobilisation and civic pride. For further information, see here.
Scale of application
Development stage
Full, working product
Simon Stuart - KBA Committee Chair
