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Policy support tool

Analytic Hierarchy Process

The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), introduced by Thomas Saaty (1980), is a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis application commonly encountered in the natural resource management literature. By reducing complex decisions to a series of pairwise comparisons, and then synthesizing the results, it helps to capture both subjective and objective aspects of a decision. In addition, the AHP incorporates allows for checking the consistency of the decision maker’s evaluations, thus reducing the bias in the decision making process.

Aim of the resource

The Analytic Hierarchy Process is an effective tool for dealing with complex decision making and may aid the decision maker to set priorities and make the best decision. It is essentially a variant of Multi-Attribute Value Theory designed to minimise the elicitation burden on experts and decision makers.

Requirements for using the resource NEW
  • Weights by pairwise comparisons
  • 9-point preference scales to translate ordinal judgments to cardinal judgments.
Potential benefits from using the resource
Relatively fast and simple to implement in a spreadsheet
Potential limitations from using the resource
Potentially susceptible to abuse and violations of basic decision theory axioms
UN languages in which the resource is available
Development stage
Full, working product
IPBES Secretariat
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