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Contributions to the work on capacity-building under the auspices of IPBES: Submission #40

Submission Number: 40
Submission ID: 76092
Submission UUID: 0f899a4e-a4b2-4442-9d8f-97ba4db6bf6e

Created: Thu, 04/04/2024
Completed: Thu, 04/04/2024
Changed: Tue, 30/04/2024

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No

United Nations Development Programme

United Nations Development Programme
United States of America
The National Biodiversity Platform Ethiopia (NBP-Ethiopia) and Stakeholder Workshop
Invasive Alien Species Assessment
IPBES Guide for assessments
To strengthen the science-policy-action interface through enhanced stakeholder engagement in the harmonized uptake of NEA and joint review of the IPBES IAS assessment from the perspectives of East Africa and Ethiopia.
Early career experts, Indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs), Policymakers, Practitioners, Scientific community, Stakeholders, Youth
Objective 2(a): Enhanced learning and engagement, Objective 2(b): Facilitated access to expertise and information, Objective 2(c): Strengthened national and regional capacities
Organization of science-policy dialogues with national focal points
Support to the uptake of approved assessments and other deliverables, and encouragement of the development of communities of practice around them
Encouragement of the development of science-policy platforms, networks and assessments for biodiversity and ecosystem services at the national and (sub)regional levels
Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute
Amharic, English
[email protected]
IPBES Observer