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Registration of contributions to the work on capacity-building under IPBES: Submission #5

Submission Number: 5
Submission ID: 58603
Submission UUID: 3c151fbb-be5a-47a2-8a44-3e8b31e2eb7a

Created: Tue, 26/04/2022
Completed: Tue, 26/04/2022
Changed: Tue, 26/04/2022

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
Centre Scientifique de Monaco
Nathalie Hilmi
[email protected]
Centre Scientifique de Monaco
8 Quai Antoine 1er
Monaco. 98000
Event during the Monaco Ocean Week 2023
Activity or event (e.g., meeting, workshop, webinar, conference, article, website)
Policy instruments, policy support tools and methodologies
I will organise an event about the Blue carbon ecosystems: how nature can mitigate climate change.
It can be either a workshop or a panel with presentations.
Foundation Prince Albert II of Monaco

Timeline of contribution

Sun, 01/01/2023 - 00:00
Sun, 01/01/2023 - 00:00
Not determined yet

Geographic scope

Objective 2(b): Facilitated access to expertise and information


Support to the uptake of approved assessments and other deliverables, and encouragement of the development of communities of practice around them