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A knowledge base for determining when to combine climate services and the nexus

Posted by JBDanune on
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Last seen 30/10/2023
Joined 24/06/2017

Decision involving adatation to climate change impacts nd mitigation of greenhouse gas emissiosn involve potential trade-offs across economic sectors and temporal spatial scales; these trade-offs might include increased greenhouse ga emissions, feedback loops between increased water supply and urban growth, social inequality, and other uninted negative consequences affecting one or many SDG's which need to be considered to avoid malaadaption. The water-energy-lan nexus oppens a window of opportunity for modelling understanding and in some cases preventing these trade-offs and their interdependencies across stakeholders, secors and antrophogenic and natural system, and they helps to provid comprehensive climate services that avoid maladaptation. The water-energy-land nexus offers a scoping activity is required when considering the nexus, to evaluate to which extentt its resources and thir interactions coul be affected by climatic and socieconomic change, and to evaluate the future validity of the nexus insights provided under current past climate conditions.