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This is a search page for resources (meeting documents, decisions, resolutions, publications, agreements, and IPBES outputs).

Displaying 1231 - 1260 of 2433
Document Symbol/Title Category Meeting Document Event Meeting document name Meeting Document Type
IPBES/8/L.10 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Interim workplan for the task force on indigenous and local knowledge systems for the intersessional period 2021–2022 Limited Distribution
IPBES/8/L.11 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Interim workplan for the task force on policy tools and methodologies for the intersessional period 2021–2022 Limited Distribution
IPBES/8/L.12 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Interim workplan for the task force on scenarios and models for the intersessional period 2021–2022 Limited Distribution
IPBES/8/Other/1 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Chair’s note on the scoping report on assessing the interlinkages among biodiversity, climate, water, food, energy and health (nexus assessment) Other
IPBES/8/Other/2 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Chair’s note on the scoping report on assessing the underlying causes of biodiversity loss and the determinants of transformative change to achieve the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity (transformative change assessment) Other
IPBES/8/Other/3 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Chair’s note on interim work plans for the intersessional period 2021–2022 for the five IPBES task forces Other
IPBES/8/Video/1* Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Scoping for a thematic assessment of the interlinkages among biodiversity, water, food and health (item 7 (a)) (edited on 21 May 2021) Videos
IPBES/8/Video/2 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Scoping for a thematic assessment of the underlying causes of biodiversity loss and the determinants of transformative change and options for achieving the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity (item 7 (b)) Videos
IPBES/8/Video/3* Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Enhanced recognition of and work with indigenous and local knowledge systems (Item 8) Videos
IPBES/8/Video/4 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Advanced work on policy instruments, policy support tools and methodologies (Item 8) Videos
IPBES/8/Video/5 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Advanced work on scenarios and models of biodiversity and ecosystem services (Item 8) Videos
IPBES/8/Video/6 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Advanced work on knowledge and data (Item 8) Videos
IPBES/8/Video/7 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Status of the membership of the Platform (Item 2b) Videos
IPBES/8/Video/8 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Report of the Executive Secretary on progress in the implementation of the rolling work programme up to 2030 Videos
IPBES/8/Video/9 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Report of the Executive Secretary: Values Videos
IPBES/8/Video/10 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Report of the Executive Secretary: Sustainable use of biodiversity Videos
IPBES/8/Video/11 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Report of the Executive Secretary: Invasive Alien Species Videos
IPBES/8/Video/12 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Financial and budgetary arrangements for the Platform Videos
IPBES/8/Video/13 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Presentation on the pandemics workshop report Videos
IPBES/8/Video/14 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Presentation on the IPCC/ IPBES co-sponsored workshop on biodiversity and climate change Videos
IPBES/8/Video/15 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Report on work related to biodiversity and climate change and collaboration with the IPCC Videos
IPBES/8/Video/16 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Presentation of interim work plans for 2021/2022 for the IPBES task-forces: Capacity Building Videos
IPBES/8/Video/17 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Report on the external review Videos
IPBES/8/Video/18 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Progress report on the UN collaborative partnership arrangement Videos
IPBES/8/Video/19 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary How to use Interactio Videos
IPBES/8/Video/20 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary #IPBES8 Opening Video Videos
IPBES/9/14 Meeting documents IPBES 9 Plenary Report of the Plenary of the Intergovernmental Science Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services on the work of its ninth session Outcome
IPBES/9/14/Add.2/Corr.1 Meeting documents IPBES 9 Plenary Summary for policymakers of the methodological assessment regarding the diverse conceptualization of multiple values of nature and its benefits, including biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services (corrigendum) Outcome
Scoping report for a methodological assessment of the impact and dependence of business on biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people Meeting documents IPBES 9 Plenary Annex I to decision IPBES-9/1 Outcome
Foundations of the nature futures framework Meeting documents IPBES 9 Plenary Annex VI to decision IPBES-9/1 Outcome