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This is a search page for resources (meeting documents, decisions, resolutions, publications, agreements, and IPBES outputs).

Displaying 571 - 600 of 2433
Document Symbol/Title Category Meeting Document Event Meeting document name Meeting Document Type
IPBES/3/INF/21 Meeting documents IPBES 3 Plenary Contribution of the SGA network to addressing IPBES priority capacity building needs Information
IPBES/3/INF/22 Meeting documents IPBES 3 Plenary Consistent use of indicators across global, regional and sub regional assessments Information
IPBES/3/INF/23 Meeting documents IPBES 3 Plenary List of participants Information
IPBES/3/Information Note Meeting documents IPBES 3 Plenary Information Note Information
IPBES/3/L.1 Meeting documents IPBES 3 Plenary Draft report of the third session of the Plenary of the Intergovernmental Science Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Limited Distribution
IPBES/3/L.2 Meeting documents IPBES 3 Plenary Procedures for the preparation of Platform deliverables Limited Distribution
IPBES/3/L.3 Meeting documents IPBES 3 Plenary Proposed amendment to the financial procedures and rules of the Platform relating to pledges to the Platform trust fund Limited Distribution
IPBES/3/L.4 Meeting documents IPBES 3 Plenary Draft decision IPBES 3/[..]: Work programme for the period 2014 2018 Limited Distribution
IPBES/3/L.4/Add.1 Meeting documents IPBES 3 Plenary Draft decision IPBES 3/[..]: Work programme for the period 2014 2018 Limited Distribution
IPBES/3/L.5 Meeting documents IPBES 3 Plenary Decision IPBES 3/[ ]: Communications and outreach strategy Limited Distribution
IPBES/3/L.6 Meeting documents IPBES 3 Plenary Decision IPBES 3/[ ]: Conflict of interest policy and implementation procedures Limited Distribution
IPBES/3/L.7 Meeting documents IPBES 3 Plenary Decision IPBES 3/2: Financial and budgetary arrangements Limited Distribution
IPBES/3/L.7/Rev.1 Meeting documents IPBES 3 Plenary Decision IPBES 3/2: Financial and budgetary arrangements Limited Distribution
IPBES/3/L.8 Meeting documents IPBES 3 Plenary Draft decision IPBES 3/[?]: Strategic partnerships Limited Distribution
IPBES/3/L.9 Meeting documents IPBES 3 Plenary Revised draft list of priority capacity building needs Limited Distribution
IPBES/3/L.10 Meeting documents IPBES 3 Plenary Scoping for a regional assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services for Africa Limited Distribution
IPBES/3/L.11 Meeting documents IPBES 3 Plenary Scoping for a regional assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services for Asia Pacific Limited Distribution
IPBES/3/L.12 Meeting documents IPBES 3 Plenary Scoping fora regional assessment on biodiversity and ecosystem services for Europe and Central Asia Limited Distribution
IPBES/3/L.13 Meeting documents IPBES 3 Plenary Scoping for a regional assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services and functions for the Americas Limited Distribution
IPBES/3/L.14 Meeting documents IPBES 3 Plenary Draft generic scoping report for the regional and subregional assessments of biodiversity and ecosystem services Limited Distribution
IPBES/3/L.14/Add.1 Meeting documents IPBES 3 Plenary Draft generic scoping report for the regional and subregional assessments of biodiversity and ecosystem services Limited Distribution
IPBES/3/L.15 Meeting documents IPBES 3 Plenary Draft decision IPBES 3/[ ]: Revised draft stakeholder engagement strategy Limited Distribution
IPBES/4/1 Meeting documents IPBES 4 Plenary Provisional agenda Working
IPBES/4/1/Add.1 Meeting documents IPBES 4 Plenary Annotated provisional agenda Working
IPBES/4/2 Meeting documents IPBES 4 Plenary Implementation of the Work programme 2014 ? 2018 (to date); Report of the Executive Secretary Working
IPBES/4/3 Meeting documents IPBES 4 Plenary Deliverable 3a - Summary for Policy Makers of the assessment on pollinators, pollination and food production Working
IPBES/4/3/Corr.1 Meeting documents IPBES 4 Plenary Summary for policymakers of the thematic assessment on pollinators, pollination and food production Working
IPBES/4/4 Meeting documents IPBES 4 Plenary Deliverable 3c - Summary for Policy Makers of the assessment on scenario analysis and modelling Working
IPBES/4/5 Meeting documents IPBES 4 Plenary Deliverable 3c - Scenario analysis and modelling: Proposal on how to further develop and support the use of tools and methodologies related to scenario analysis and modelling Working
IPBES/4/6 Meeting documents IPBES 4 Plenary Deliverable 1a/1b - Capacity building: Recommendations for the further development and implementation of the draft programme on fellowship, exchange and training Working