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Glossary definitions

The IPBES glossary terms definitions page provides definitions of terms used in IPBES assessments. Some definitions in this online glossary have been edited for consistency. Please refer to the specific assessment glossary for citations/authorities of definitions. 

We invite you to report any errors or omissions to [email protected].

Concept Definition Deliverable(s)
intrinsic value

See values.

Americas assessment
intrinsic value

This concept refers to inherent value, that is the value something has independent of any human experience and evaluation. Such a value is viewed as an inherent property of the entity and not ascribed or generated by external valuing agents.

Africa assessment
intrinsic value

See values.

Europe and Central Asia assessment
introduced pollinator

A pollinator species living outside its native distributional range (see Exotic pollinator).

Pollination assessment
introduction pathway

a suite of processes that result in the introduction of a species from one geographical location to another. It means: 1) geographic routes by which a species is moved outside its natural range (past or present); 2) corridors of introduction (e.g., road, canal, tunnel); and/or 3) human activity that gives rise to an intentional or unintentional introduction. More than one vector (see definition of vector below) within a pathway may be involved in a transfer of species

Invasive alien species assessment
invasion cold spot

areas of low alien species richness relative to other regions with similar biogeographic characteristics (O’Donnell et al., 2012). Biodiversity hot spots of diversi?cation and species richness are defined as geographic regions with high diversi?cation rates or high species richness, respectively, while conversely cold spots are geographic regions with low diversi?cation rates or species richness

Invasive alien species assessment
invasion curve

depiction of the different stages of invasive alien species management from prevention to early detection and eradication, containment and adaptive management (Invasive Species Centre, 2021). The curve shows that eradication of an invasive alien species is less probable and more costly as it spreads over time. Choosing a management action relies on where a species is on the invasion curve.

Invasive alien species assessment
invasion debts

the potential increase in biological invasions at a site over a particular time frame in the absence of any interventions (Rouget et al., 2016). It is composed of the number of new species that will be introduced (introduction debt), the number of species that will become invasive (species-based invasion debt), the increase in area affected by invasions (area-based invasion debt), and the increase in the negative impacts caused by introduced species (impact-based invasion debt)

Invasive alien species assessment
invasion hotspot

areas of high alien species richness relative to other regions with similar biogeographic characteristics (O’Donnell et al., 2012). Biodiversity hot spots of diversi?cation and species richness are defined as geographic regions with high diversi?cation rates or high species richness, respectively, while conversely cold spots are geographic regions with low diversi?cation rates or species richness

Invasive alien species assessment
invasion stages

stages (transport, introduction, establishment, and spread) that a species must pass through on the invasion continuum from native to (invasive) alien species, recognising the need for a species to overcome the barriers (geography, captivity or cultivation, survival, reproduction, dispersal and environmental) that obstruct transition between each stage

Invasive alien species assessment
invasional meltdown

the amplification of impacts of invasive alien species through community-level processes in which there is a cascade of effects, positive feedback loops, arising from the interactions amongst species, in this case alien species, which ultimately affect ecosystem functions

Invasive alien species assessment
invasive alien species

A species introduced outside its natural past or present distribution whose introduction and/or spread threaten biological diversity.

Scenarios and models assessment
invasive alien species

Species whose introduction and/or spread by human action outside their natural distribution threatens biological diversity, food security, and human health and well-being. Alien refers to the species' having been introduced outside its natural distribution (exotic, non-native and non-indigenous are synonyms for alien). Invasive means tending to expand into and modify ecosystems to which it has been introduced. Thus, a species may be alien without being invasive, or, in the case of a species native to a region, it may increase and become invasive, without actually being an alien species.

Americas assessment, Africa assessment, Asia-Pacific assessment, Pollination assessment, Land degradation and restoration assessment, Europe and Central Asia assessment, Sustainable use assessment, Global assessment (1st work programme)
invasive alien species

animals, plants or other organisms introduced directly or indirectly by people into places out of their natural range of distribution, where they have become established and dispersed, and generating an impact on local ecosystems and species (IPBES, 2016); see Chapter 1 for further discussion). Invasive alien species are a subset of established alien species that have negative impacts.

Invasive alien species assessment
invasive pollinator

A pollinator species that, once it has been introduced outside its native distributional range, has a tendency to spread without direct human assistance.

Pollination assessment
invasive alien species

A species that, once it has been introduced outside its native distributional range, has a tendency to spread over space without direct human assistance.

invasive alien species

See Invasive alien species.

Europe and Central Asia assessment, Americas assessment, Asia-Pacific assessment, Global assessment (1st work programme)
ipbes conceptual framework

The Platform's conceptual framework has been designed to build shared understanding across disciplines, knowledge systems and stakeholders of the interplay between biodiversity and ecosystem drivers, and of the role they play in building a good quality of life through nature's contributions to people.

Africa assessment, Americas assessment, Sustainable use assessment
ipbes conceptual framework

A simplified representation of the complex interactions between the natural world and human societies. This framework emerged from an extensive process of consultation and negotiation, leading to formal adoption by the second IPBES Plenary (IPBES/2/4), and therefore represents a key foundation for all IPBES activities. The framework recognizes different knowledge systems, including indigenous and local knowledge (ILK) systems, which can be complementary to those based on science.

Scenarios and models assessment, Asia-Pacific assessment
ipbes conceptual framework

The IPBES conceptual framework has been designed to build shared understanding across disciplines, knowledge systems and stakeholders of the interplay between biodiversity and ecosystem drivers, and of the role they play in building a good quality of life.

Europe and Central Asia assessment, Land degradation and restoration assessment
ipbes conceptual framework

The Platform’s conceptual framework has been designed to build shared understanding across disciplines, knowledge systems and stakeholders of the interplay between biodiversity and ecosystem drivers, and of the role they play in building a good quality of life through nature’s contributions to people.

Global assessment (1st work programme)
integrated pest management

Is also known as Integrated Pest Control (IPC). It is a broadly-based approach that integrates various practices for economic control of pests (q.v.). IPM aims to suppress pest populations below the economic injury level (i.e. to below the level that the.

Pollination assessment
IUCN habitats classification scheme

Classification Schemes (formerly referred to as Authority Files) are a set of standard terms developed for documenting taxa on the IUCN Red List in order to ensure global uniformity when describing the habitat in which a taxon occurs, the threats to a taxon, what conservation actions are in place or are needed, and whether or not the taxon is utilized.

IUCN protected area category

IUCN protected area management categories classify protected areas according to their management objectives.

Asia-Pacific assessment, Global assessment (1st work programme), Europe and Central Asia assessment, Americas assessment
IUCN red list

The IUCN Red List is an indicator of the health of biodiversity. It provides taxonomic, conservation status and distribution information on plants, fungi and animals that have been globally evaluated using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. This system is designed to determine the relative risk of extinction, and the main purpose of the IUCN Red List is to catalogue and highlight those plants and animals that are facing a higher risk of global extinction.

Global assessment (1st work programme), Sustainable use assessment
IUCN red list

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species provides taxonomic, conservation status and distribution information on plants, fungi and animals that have been globally evaluated using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.

Asia-Pacific assessment
IUCN red list

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species provides taxonomic, conservation status and distribution information on taxa that have been globally evaluated using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. This system is designed to determine the relative risk of extinction, and the main purpose of the IUCN Red List is to catalogue and highlight those taxa that are facing a higher risk of global extinction (i.e. as Critically Endangered, Endangered and Vulnerable). The IUCN Red List also includes information on taxa that are categorized as Extinct or Extinct in the Wild; on taxa that cannot be evaluated because of insufficient information (i.e. are Data Deficient); and on taxa that are either close to meeting the threatened thresholds or that would be threatened were it not for an ongoing taxon- specific conservation programme (i.e. are Near Threatened).

Americas assessment
qualitative storyline

Articulation of narratives describing plausible futures based on or relating to measures of the quality of key compnents rather than their quantity (c.f. Quantitative approaches).

Asia-Pacific assessment
quality of life

Within the context of the IPBES Conceptual Framework - good quality of life refers to the achievement of a fulfilled life, a notion which may vary significantly across societies and cultures. There is a common understanding that quality of life is composed of both shared common aspects across cultures (food security) and contextual aspects (e.g. self-determination), which can be assessed objectively (e.g. caloric intake) or subjectively (e.g. life satisfaction) applying quantitative and qualitative indicators. Good quality of life is generally portrayed through material conditions (e.g. level of food availability) as well as through individual aspirations (e.g. personal; professional; spiritual) and capabilities (e.g. education) for people to live in accordance to what they themselves consider to be “a good life”, which can differ across cultures, contexts and individuals. The role of nature in achieving a good quality of life is complex and heterogeneous, and depends on the social-ecological context, and on the way people portray themselves in relation to nature.

Values assessment
quantitative model

Statistical or other analytical descriptions of processes defined by quantities or metrics.

Asia-Pacific assessment
validation (of models)

Typically refers to checking model outputs for consistency with observations. However, since models cannot be validated in the formal sense of the term (i.e. proven to be true), some scientists prefer to use the words benchmarking or evaluation.

Scenarios and models assessment
validation (of models)

See models.


It is the process of documenting the existence of values, identifying when and where and by whom they are expressed, that in turn allows characterizing values. Valuation of nature can inform decision-making about numerous human-nature relationships; it can support decision processes about alternative projects or policies, inform the design of policy tools and instruments, for conservation and sustainable management of nature or to improve justice. Outside the formal policy space, valuation is also undertaken by academia, the private sector, non-governmental organizations and by indigenous and local communities (IPLC). IPLC undertake valuation not only to make decisions about nature, but also to assess their relationships with nature, to plan collectively, resolve conflicts, defend their territories, and as a means for strengthening and reciprocating their connections with nature.

Values assessment
valuation approach

Valuation approaches are higher level assumptions, ideas or beliefs that underpin methods. They translate key decisions on how a method is to be applied or how the information generated by methods is to be interpreted. For each approach there are often multiple accepted methods that adhere to the basic assumptions and ideas of the given approach. Valuation approaches can also be manifested as “traditions” or widely accepted and expected protocols for undertaking valuation. Valuation traditions are heavily informed and influenced by the cultural context and/or epistemological worldviews.

Values assessment
valuation method

Are the specific techniques and accepted formal procedures that are applied to gather and analyse information from nature and society in order to and understand or make explicit the state of nature and its importance to people a) quantity, quality and status of nature including its spatial and temporal variations; b) the relevance or importance of nature to people and societies; and c) the nature of human-nature and nature-human relations in terms of how people and societies embed and live out their values of nature (as actions, principles, worldviews or philosophies).

Values assessment
value (as importance)

A value can be the importance of something for itself or for others, now or in the future, close by or at a distance. This importance can be considered in three broad classes. 1. The importance that something has subjectively, and may be based on experience. 2. The importance that something has in meeting objective needs. 3. The intrinsic value of something.

Americas assessment, Asia-Pacific assessment, Europe and Central Asia assessment, Land degradation and restoration assessment
value (as importance)

A value can be the importance of something for itself or for others, now or in the future, close by or at a distance. This importance can be considered in three broad classes: The importance that something has subjectively, and may be based on experience. The importance that something has in meeting objective needs. The intrinsic value of something.

Africa assessment
value (as measure)

A value can be a measure. In the biophysical sciences, any quantified measure can be seen as a value.

Americas assessment, Europe and Central Asia assessment, Land degradation and restoration assessment, Asia-Pacific assessment, Africa assessment
value (as preference)

A value can be the preference someone has for something or for a particular state of the world. Preference involves the act of making comparisons, either explicitly or implicitly. Preference refers to the importance attributed to one entity relative to another one.

Africa assessment, Land degradation and restoration assessment, Asia-Pacific assessment, Americas assessment, Europe and Central Asia assessment
value (as principle)

A value can be a principle or core belief underpinning rules and moral judgments. Values as principles vary from one culture to another and also between individuals and groups.

Africa assessment, Land degradation and restoration assessment, Europe and Central Asia assessment, Asia-Pacific assessment, Americas assessment
value chains (that link production systems, markets and consumers)

a contact network, which provides opportunities for the transmission of contagious diseases within and between sectors. It follows that these chains (networks) can be understood and taken into account in planning risk management strategies for disease prevention and control” especially in relation with “risky parts of the value chain”

Invasive alien species assessment
value change

Value change refers to the modification of people’s values or of the prioritization of their values in particular contexts. Value change processes occur at different social scales, from large-scale cultural shifts (e.g. intergenerational shifts due to changing demography or changes to shared values) to small-scale personal shifts (e.g. values formation and change over an individual’s lifetime). Individual, social and social-ecological experiences and interactions influence value change; examples include formal and informal education, social practices, group conformation processes, personal experiences and shocks, and social-ecological events (e.g. natural disasters, pandemics).

Values assessment
value expression

Values can be expressed explicitly through language and implicitly through actions like choices, decisions made, everyday practices or rituals. Valuation methods are used to undertake explicit valuation. Methods and approaches to integrate and bridge values, provide knowledge about nature’s values as input to decision-making.

Values assessment
value formation

'Value formation' refers to how values develop in the first place. It can occur in individual-focused processes, trough socially-oriented processes or in social-ecological processes that do not separate humans and nature.

Values assessment
value indicator

Indicators of value are quantitative and qualitative measures of the importance of nature to people. Indicators used to express the value of nature can be biophysical, economic and socio-cultural.

Values assessment
value monism

Derives from a utilitarian perspective on human-nature relationships which privileges some values of nature over others (usually monetary values).

Values assessment
value pluralism

Value pluralism is the idea that there are several values which may be equally correct and fundamental, and yet in conflict with each other. It is the opposite of value monism. More broadly speaking, value pluralism may also refer to different people having different worldviews and hence different values. In addition, these plural values may be incommensurable (i.e. they do not share a single unit of measurement, a single metric, and that there is no objective way of comparing them or weighting them against each other).

Values assessment
value system

Sets of values according to which people, societies and organizations regulate their behaviour.

Scenarios and models assessment
value system

Set of values according to which people, societies and organizations regulate their behaviour. Value systems can be identified in both individuals and social groups.

Africa assessment, Europe and Central Asia assessment, Asia-Pacific assessment, Americas assessment, Land degradation and restoration assessment
value-articulating institution

Methods for valuation of nature and NCPs may be termed value articulating institutions since they are based on a set of rules concerning the valuing process: Participation: who participates; in what capacity; and how. What counts as data and what form it should take (prices, weights, arguments, physical measures etc.). The kind of data handling procedures involved: how data is produced; and how data are compared, weighed or aggregated.

Values assessment