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Glossary definitions

The IPBES glossary terms definitions page provides definitions of terms used in IPBES assessments. Some definitions in this online glossary have been edited for consistency. Please refer to the specific assessment glossary for citations/authorities of definitions. 

We invite you to report any errors or omissions to [email protected].

Concept Definition Deliverable(s)

Placing a number of animals on a given area that will result in overuse if continued to the end of the planned grazing period.

Land degradation and restoration assessment
qualitative storyline

Articulation of narratives describing plausible futures based on or relating to measures of the quality of key compnents rather than their quantity (c.f. Quantitative approaches).

Asia-Pacific assessment
quality of life

Within the context of the IPBES Conceptual Framework - good quality of life refers to the achievement of a fulfilled life, a notion which may vary significantly across societies and cultures. There is a common understanding that quality of life is composed of both shared common aspects across cultures (food security) and contextual aspects (e.g. self-determination), which can be assessed objectively (e.g. caloric intake) or subjectively (e.g. life satisfaction) applying quantitative and qualitative indicators. Good quality of life is generally portrayed through material conditions (e.g. level of food availability) as well as through individual aspirations (e.g. personal; professional; spiritual) and capabilities (e.g. education) for people to live in accordance to what they themselves consider to be “a good life”, which can differ across cultures, contexts and individuals. The role of nature in achieving a good quality of life is complex and heterogeneous, and depends on the social-ecological context, and on the way people portray themselves in relation to nature.

Values assessment
quantitative model

Statistical or other analytical descriptions of processes defined by quantities or metrics.

Asia-Pacific assessment