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Strengthening the knowledge foundations

The IPBES 2030 work programme includes “strengthening the knowledge foundations” as one of its six objectives to promote the generation of knowledge and management of data on biodiversity and ecosystem services as a foundation for the work of IPBES.

This objective will be achieved through ongoing and future activities across the work programme, as follows:

  • Advanced work on knowledge and data: 
    • Identifying, prioritizing, mobilizing and facilitating access to existing knowledge, information and data, including indicators and metrics to be used in assessments;
    • Further developing a web-based infrastructure in support of open data sharing and information management;
    • Identifying gaps in knowledge and data arising from the completed deliverables of IPBES work programmes;
    • A systematic cataloguing of knowledge and data gaps identified in the work programme;
    • Catalysing the generation of new knowledge by making those gaps known, including to research funding agencies, research programme developers and institutions involved in prioritizing and funding data mobilization and considering them for further prioritization of deliverables in the work programme.
    • You can read more here.
  • Enhanced recognition of and work with Indigenous and local knowledge systems:
    • Implementing the approach to recognizing and working with Indigenous and local knowledge in IPBES, taking into account the special needs of Indigenous and local knowledge holders through the implementation of the participatory mechanism established under the approach, as well as taking into consideration the recommendations and findings set out in document IPBES/7/INF/8 and other relevant future IPBES processes. 
    • You can read more here.