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Laguna Lake Basin: The Philippine Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Peer review

This assessment was reviewed by the sub-global assessment reviewers of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment process.

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UN languages in which the assessment is available

This 2005 sub-global assessment of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) aimed to assess the Laguna Lake Basin’s ecosystems and their services using the MA framework, thereby contributing to the global MA. It examined four ecosystem services – water, fish, rice and climate regulation. These were examined across three scales, with fish production and provision of water supply examined at the farm or village level; biodiversity was assessed at the basin level; whilst climate regulation, including the role of the basin as a carbon sink, was analyzed at the global scale. The assessment was conducted by 25 scientists and experts with backgrounds in the natural and social sciences. The assessment process relied on several data sources which included scientific literature, master plans and sectoral plans for the watershed, project and consultant’s reports, and government agency reports.
