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Elections: Member of the IPBES Bureau from Asia-Pacific region, and alternate Bureau members from Africa and Asia-Pacific regions

  • Bureau 2019-2023
  • Plenary
Notification period
Download EM/2021/34

Dear IPBES members,

You will recall that the IPBES Plenary, at IPBES 7 in May 2019, conducted elections for the Bureau in accordance with the rules of procedure for sessions of the Plenary of the Platform. In decision IPBES-8/2, the Plenary decided, notwithstanding rule 15 of the rules of procedure, that the term of office of the current members of the Bureau will extend until the end of IPBES 10, when their successors will be elected.

In August 2021, the Vice-Chair from the Asia-Pacific region resigned from the Bureau for personal reasons. It will thus be necessary to hold at IPBES 9 (3‒9 July 2022, Bonn, Germany) elections to replace this member of the Bureau from the Asia-Pacific region in order to complete his term until the end of IPBES 10. Therefore, I would like to invite Governments from the Asia-Pacific region to submit to the secretariat proposals for candidates, for nomination by the Asia-Pacific region and election by the Plenary.

I also take this opportunity to invite Governments from the African and Asia-Pacific regions to propose alternate members of the Bureau, for nomination by these two regions and approval by the Plenary.

Proposals for candidates, including a curriculum vitae of the proposed candidate, should be submitted at

The secretariat will post the names of the candidates and their curricula vitae on the website of IPBES at as soon as they are received.

In order to allow consultations at the regional level ahead of IPBES 9, I would like to ask you to submit your proposals by 9 March 2022.

I thank you for your continued support to IPBES.

Dr Anne Larigauderie | Executive Secretary
Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)