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Call for contributions to amplify the work on capacity-building

  • Building capacity (2nd work programme)
Notification period
Download EM/2022/15

Dear IPBES members, observers and other interested stakeholders,

Work on capacity-building under the auspices of IPBES to date has been greatly augmented by the wide range of organizations that undertake capacity-building activities to promote the work of IPBES. Such efforts can include the organization of physical or online events, recording and sharing of presentations and talks, and developing learning and outreach materials that support uptake and use of IPBES products and engagement in IPBES processes. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has changed the ways in which capacity-building is undertaken, and we have seen a large number of innovative initiatives.

I would like to invite Governments, organizations and individuals to continue to undertake capacity-building efforts in support of IPBES, and share with the technical support unit on capacity-building information on any such events or resources developed at At the link, you will also find further information on the ways in which the secretariat and the technical support unit can offer support to such efforts. All activities submitted by 31 May 2022 will also be reported to the Plenary at its ninth session.

Should you have any questions about the work on capacity-building under the auspices of IPBES, please contact the technical support unit on capacity-building at [email protected] or visit

The success of IPBES depends on drawing on existing capacities of experts and institutions from all over the world, and as such I would appreciate your assistance in distributing this call widely to colleagues, email lists and networks.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Anne Larigauderie | Executive Secretary
Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services