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Global Assessment Dialogue Workshop on Arctic Indigenous Knowledge

Event type: Stakeholders
Wednesday, 06 June, 2018 - Friday, 08 June, 2018

The overall goal of the IPBES Dialogue Workshop on Arctic Indigenous Knowledge was to advance the integration of Arctic Indigenous Knowledge on biodiversity and environmental change in the IPBES Global Assessment.

To achieve this main goal, we set three specific objectives:

1. Bring together IK holders and scientists to review and provide input to the Second Order Draft of the IPBES Global Assessment, coinciding with its review phase.

2. Complement existing sources of Arctic Indigenous Knowledge in the Second Order Draft of the IPBES Global Assessment with relevant knowledge that might not otherwise be available to the authors of the IPBES Global Assessment.

3. Organize a public seminar on the importance of bridging diverse knowledge systems for Arctic sustainability, together with relevant stakeholders in Finland.

This Dialogue Workshop was funded by the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Finnish Ministry of the Environment, with support from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), the University of Helsinki and the Helmoltz-Centre for Environmental Research (UfZ, Germany).