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In the context of IPBES, the summary terms to describe the state of knowledge are the following: Well established (Certainty term (q.v.)): comprehensive meta-analysis or other synthesis or multiple independent studies that agree.; Established but incomplete (Certainty term (q.v.)): general agreement although only a limited number of studies exist but no comprehensive synthesis and, or the studies that exist imprecisely address the question.; Unresolved (Certainty term (q.v.)): multiple independent studies exist but conclusions do not agree.; Inconclusive (Certainty term (q.v.)): limited evidence, recognising major knowledge gaps.

Americas assessment The IPBES Guide on the production of assessments.

In the context of IPBES, the summary terms to describe the state of knowledge are the following: Well established (certainty term): comprehensive meta-analysis or other synthesis or multiple independent studies that agree.; Established but incomplete (certainty term): general agreement although only a limited number of studies exist but no comprehensive synthesis and, or the studies that exist imprecisely address the question.; Unresolved (certainty term): multiple independent studies exist but conclusions do not agree.; Inconclusive (certainty term): limited evidence, recognising major knowledge gaps.

Land degradation and restoration assessment, Asia-Pacific assessment, Europe and Central Asia assessment, Global assessment (1st work programme)