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Global assessment scoping experts


Name Role Nominating government/organisation Nationality(ies) Affiliation ORCID Identifier
Sevil Acar Scoping expert Türkiye Türkiye
Boğaziçi University ORCID logo 0000-0001-5535-8673
Patricia Balvanera Scoping expert FutureEarth Mexico
Instituto de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas y Sustentabilidad (IIES), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México ORCID logo 0000-0001-6408-6876
Kirsten Davies Scoping expert International Science Council (ISC) Australia
Macquarie University, Macquarie Law School ORCID logo 0000-0002-6940-4359
Maheshwar Dhakal Scoping expert Nepal Nepal
Government of Nepal
María Magdalena Ixquiactap Tuc Scoping expert Guatemala Guatemala
Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes
Walter Jetz Scoping expert International Science Council (ISC) Germany
Imperial College London (P/T) and Yale University ORCID logo 0000-0002-1971-7277
Jane Kabubo Mariara Scoping expert Wildlife Conservation Society Kenya
Univesity of Nairobi ORCID logo 000-0001-7351-3024
Nicholas King Scoping expert South Africa South Africa
Independent researcher/consultant ORCID logo 0000-0002-9624-1356
Juan Pablo Lozoya Azcárate Scoping expert Uruguay Uruguay
University of the Republic
Hiroyuki Matsuda Scoping expert Japan Japan
Yokohama National University
GEORGE OWOYESIGIRE Scoping expert Uganda Uganda
Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities
Bayram Öztürk Scoping expert Türkiye Türkiye
İstanbul University ORCID logo 0000-0001-7844-2448
Tianbao Qin Scoping expert China China
Research Institute of Environmental Law, Wuhan University ORCID logo 0000-0003-4932-9213
Isabel Sousa Pinto Scoping expert EUROMARINE european consortium Portugal
Biology Department of the Faculty of Science of the University of Porto and Ciimar ORCID logo 0000-0002-9231-0553
David Tarkhnishvili Scoping expert Georgia Georgia
Ilia State University ORCID logo 0000-0003-1479-9880
Ximena velez-liendo Scoping expert Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
Wildlife Conservation Unit U. Oxford - Chester Zoo ORCID logo 0000-0002-9080-3821