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Knowledge generation catalysis

With regards to knowledge generation, the terms of reference assign to the task force on knowledge and data are to : 

  1. support assessment experts in identifying, prioritizing and mobilizing existing knowledge and data needed for IPBES assessments; 
  2. support the Bureau and the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel in reviewing the knowledge needs and gaps identified through IPBES assessments and other IPBES deliverables and in catalysing the generation of new knowledge and data. 

In response to the request by the Plenary in decision IPBES-7/1, the task force prepared a set of deliverables for objective 3(a) of the IPBES rolling work programme up to 2030, advanced work on knowledge and data. On knowledge generation, the deliverables are the following:

  1. Review and further develop a process to catalyse the generation of new knowledge, living guidelines and template for the identification of knowledge gaps. Under this deliverable, the task force i) ensures that the overall process to catalyse the generation of new knowledge based on IPBES knowledge gaps (including data gaps and Indigenous and local knowledge mobilization gaps) is coherent, efficient and kept up to date, and ii) regularly updates guidelines and tools for the IPBES assessment authors to identify gaps in their respective assessments, based on the relevant lessons learned; 
  2. Support authors in the process of knowledge gaps identification. This deliverable will support IPBES assessment authors in implementing the proposed process for the identification of knowledge gaps (including data gaps and Indigenous and local knowledge mobilization gaps). It will also support the development of a coherent reporting of gaps identified in IPBES assessments; 
  3. Promote the uptake of identified knowledge needs by relevant external organizations and initiatives. Under this deliverable, the task force promotes the uptake of knowledge gaps by facilitating dialogues to catalyse the generation of new knowledge and data, focusing on research programming and funding. When an IPBES assessment is completed, the TSU supports the organization of several online or physical workshops involving assessment authors and national/regional programming and funding organisations. 
  4. Monitor the impact of knowledge generation catalysis efforts to effectively fill identified gaps. Under this deliverable, the task force develops and implements a monitoring plan on the catalysis of new knowledge generation based on the gaps identified in IPBES assessments. 

The IPBES MEP and Bureau, at their 15th meetings in September 2020, approved the task force's proposals for guidelines to support assessment experts in the knowledge gaps’ identification process and for a plan to monitor the catalysis of new knowledge generation. Related activities are being implemented. 


Technical support unit on knowledge and data, with regards to knowledge generation: [email protected]